
Monday, March 4, 2013

Clue may be found in next Pope's Name

What's in a name? Clues to be found in next pope's moniker
(CNN) -- The secret election to pick a new pope has yet to begin. But whoever is picked may already be mulling over his choice of name -- and what it means.
In the long history of popes, stretching back two millennia to St. Peter, some names have picked up negative associations, while others have come to signify conservatism or a desire for change.
So what the new pontiff chooses may be one of the first clues to the course he intends to steer for the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics.

Will his name be PETER?
 In 1139, Malachy was Archibishop and traveled to Rome from ireland to give an account of his affairs. While in Rome, Malachy received a vision about the future which included the name of every pope, 112 in total, from his time until the end of time. We currently are at the end of the second to last prophecy, with Benedict XVI at the helm.
St. Malachy had written about the 112th pope:
"In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."
St. Malachy prophesied that the final pope would be "Peter the Roman", which is interesting because no pope to date has chosen the name of Peter out of respect for Peter the Apostle. There has also been speculation that the final pope would be black. Even more curiously, there is a black cardinal in Ghana, Peter Turkson, who is believed to be a frontrunner and whose name has come up in previous discussions of papal appointment.

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