CAIRO — The lethal conflict between Egypt’s military-backed government and its Islamist opponents escalated on Monday, with an expansion of attacks against government targets, signs that the authorities have failed to secure the streets and a refusal by either side to back down.
Three months after the military ouster of President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, the violence was the latest evidence that the new government installed on July 3 by Gen. Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi had failed to neutralize the Islamist opposition even after arresting its leadership and demonstrating its willingness to use lethal force.
Daniel 11: 40 “At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariots and cavalry and a great fleet of ships. He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood. 41 He will also invade the Beautiful Land. Many countries will fall, but Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon will be delivered from his hand. 42 He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape. 43 He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Cushites[e] in submission.
The emphasis here in verses 42 and 43 is on Egypt—then we have Libya and Ethiopia. This shows that EGYPT IS THE BIG CONQUEST! It is the REAL power behind Libya and Ethiopia, which suggests that it is going to have a heavy hand in swinging those two nations into the Iranian camp.
We need to understand the ENORMOUS IMPACT that Egypt working with Iran will have in the Middle East and even globally. This Iran-Egypt axis is going to change the game in the Middle East—particularly in Libya and Ethiopia.
TRIPOLI, Libya — Libya’s fragile interim government condemned the United States on Sunday for what it called the “kidnapping of a Libyan citizen” from this capital city a day earlier, and Libyan lawmakers threatened to remove the prime minister if the government was involved.

That leaves the government with a more unsettling question to answer—its ability to control a country dominated by divisive, militant factions. Libya is still fractured among several powerful militia groups, and in Eastern Libya, they have effectively established mini-states that take no orders from the capital—and that succeeded in shutting in much of Libya’s crucial oil production for months this summer. Whether or not Libya approved Saturday’s commando raid, the government could stand to lose big. “It will be widely assumed that either Zeidan gave the U.S. permission, or that he did not, and that Libya is incapable of preventing the U.S. from doing this,” says Issandr el-Amrani, North Africa director for the Brussels-based International Crisis Group, speaking to TIME from Cairo. “The Libyan government is barely in control of Libya. It has no ability to enforce the rule of law, or even establish the control of the Libyan national army on the territory.”
Put simply, this means that we can expect Egypt—with Iran’s help—to lead Libya and Ethiopia into the Iranian camp!
This is very alarming because of the power Egypt has. For years, America has given Egyptbillions and billions of dollars’ worth of military aid. The Egyptians are certain to use their formidable military power to swing much of the Middle East toward Iran.
Here’s what Barnes’ Notes says about this passage: “A conquest of Egypt was almost, in itself, a conquest of Libya and the Ethiopians.” THAT’S EXACTLY RIGHT! The real powerhouse here is Egypt. Iran and Egypt are going to work together to swing Ethiopia and Libya into that Iranian-led “king of the south” camp—and they’re going to do it with a lot of violence! They’re very good at creating violence.
AMERICA HELPED GREATLY IN REMOVING HOSNI MUBARAK FROM POWER. The U.S. should have been supporting Hosni Mubarak. I tell you that removing him was a grave mistake that leaders from both political parties in the U.S. do not really understand. They simply don’t grasp how things work in the Middle East.
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So How will this affect America intially?
If you thought Mubarak was evil, wait till you see Morsi in action.
In the early months of 2011, when Egyptians were protesting and the Western world was self-righteously demanding that Mubarak resign, the Trumpet was warning—based on Daniel’s prophecy—that this was the worst mistake the United States could make. But no one listened. Who today listens to God and what He prophesies—the God of the Bible who wants to save us from all this suffering?
“This is a coup,” lamented Middle East expert Barry Rubin. “Morsi is bound by no constitution. He can do as he pleases unless someone is going to stop him, and the only candidate, the military, is fading fast, far faster than even we pessimists would have predicted” (, August 11).
Have you seen some of the atrocities being committed under Mohammed Morsi? Egypt’s new leaders are destroying the freedom of the press, and even going so far as to CRUCIFY some of their opponents! (“Shockingly Rapid Radicalization,” below). This is a black, bleak nightmare! This is so ghoulish that you wouldn’t even expect it to happen in this age. BUT IT’S HAPPENING IN EGYPT TODAY!
America helped bring it about—but we don’t like to talk about that, for obvious reasons.
The rest of the Middle East is shaken by what is happening. Saudi Arabia also gave millions of dollars of aid to Egypt, but very much wanted Hosni Mubarak to remain in office. Peoples and nations greatly fear events in Egypt now that that nation is backed by a powerful Iran. There is a lot of deadly peril there that America simply refuses to see, and we continue to act as though nothing happened in the Middle East. This level of ignorance is almost beyond belief!
“Egypt will certainly seek to export its Islamic revolution to other countries,” Glick warned.
Exactly right. That is just what will happen—and it is exactly what is prophesied: Egypt is going to export its revolution to Libya and Ethiopia. This is already well underway in Libya. But the radicals in Egypt will ensure it is shaped and molded to fit their plan.
All of this is taking place along the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, which is one of the most important trade routes in the world. If you think your gas prices won’t go up, you’d better take a close look at what’s going on in the Middle East.
“The U.S.’s astounding sanguinity in the face of Morsi’s completion of the Islamization of Egypt is an illustration of everything that is wrong and dangerous about U.S. Middle East policy today,” Glick wrote. Can anybody logically disagree?